The multiplier event in Portugal

On the 18th July 2019 took place at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon the Seminar on Digital Technologies on Adult Education. The aims of this seminar included the divulging of outcomes of the StepUp 2ICT project, funded by the ERASMUS+ of the European Union. This project included the analysis of the profile of adult educators in Portugal, after a national survey developed in 2018 that allowed more than 960 answers of adult educators and the discussion of contemporary challenges faced by adult educators in activities and programs under development.

In this seminar registered more than 100 adult educators that joined the discussion held from quite different institutions implementing adult education activities and programs, namely these of formal education and continuing vocational education and training.

Apart from the team members of the project developed in Portugal, such as Fernando Albuquerque Costa, Joana Viana and Paula Guimarães, who presented the main developments and outcomes of the project, this seminar included the participation of representatives from the Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (Employment and Vocational Education and Training Institute) such as Paulo Feliciano and João Lourenço, and from the Agência Nacional para a Qualification e Ensino Profissional (National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training) Ana Claúdia Valente.

From the Associação Nacional da Formação e Ensino Professional (National Association of Vocational Education and Training) Mário Martins also joined and commented adult educators use of information and communication technologies in activities and programs. Additionally, the Dean of the Institute of Education joined and Mariana Gaio Alves, from the same Institute, spoke about the importance of lifelong learning in present times and the roles of adult educators in existing State and non-State funded programs.

During this seminar, the discussion allowed also some conclusions referring to the use of only some digital technologies by educators and learners and the need for implementing continuing education courses directed at adult educators for favoring the use of digital tools in adult education activities and programs.



Fourth AAA-Stepup2ICT transnational project meeting

The fourth transnational project meeting was held in Fano, on 28 February and 1 March 2019. The project partners discussed the finalization of the foreseen outputs and activities.
The andragogic handbook «Using ICT in adult education» is ready and will be soon published in all partners languages. The AAA-StepUp2-ICT Modularized training programme: “Facilitating Educators’ and Trainers’ uses of online learning, web 2.0 technologies and mobile technologies in different Adult education contexts” was piloted at international level and partners discussed the results and improvements to be implemented before local pilots. The OERs are ready to be used by adult educators and trainers as well as the AAA-StepUp2-ICT Community Platform.
Partners also discussed dissemination and quality plan, management and reporting system and the activities until the next meeting.


Joint staff training activity

In the week from 25 February 2019 to 01 March 2019 we held our first Stepup2ICT short term training in Fano, Italy. We had the pleasure to host a very energetic group of adult educators!! 15 adult educators from each Belgium, Italy, Lithuania and Portugal participated in one week training on the use of ICT in adult education sessions.

This event was very useful to evaluate the training programme created by the Stepup2ICT team and to revise the OERs.







StepUp2ICT Andragogic Handbook

The project’s partners completed the Andragogic Handbook “How to use ICT in Adult Education”. This handbook is meant to support adult educators in using ICT tools and digital media in their working framework.
The Handbook is created to help every adult educator to use e-learning methods, tools and techniques from the planning phase to the evaluation of participants’ learning phase. It includes 6 examples of training activities using online open technologies apt to promote the use of digital technologies in adult education settings from the conception of the learning process to the final stage of evaluation.

The handbook will soon be available online. Stay tuned!


Third AAA-STEPUP2ICT transnational project meeting

The third transnational project meeting was held in Klaipeda, on 4-5 October 2018. The project partners discussed several activities:
Output 1: AAA-StepUp2-ICT Pedagogic Handbook: “Getting to use online learning, web 2.0 technologies and mobile apps in Adult education”.

Output 2: AAA-StepUp2-ICT Modularized training programme: “Facilitating Educators’ and Trainers’ uses of online learning, web 2.0 technologies and mobile technologies in different Adult education contexts”.

Output 3: AAA-StepUp2-ICT Open Educational Resources for Adult educators and trainers.

Output 4: AAA-StepUp2-ICT Community Platform.

Presentation of:

  • Dissemination and Quality Plan
  • Management and reporting system
  • Activities until the next meeting

Some photos below.

