Training 2000
TRAINING 2000 is an adult training organization, which operates in the Marche Region in activities of Adult Education and Training (LLP – continuous and permanent education), consulting and promotion of training activities in companies, training of trainers and teachers in schools. It organizes training courses in various sectors for adults.
Institute for Knowledge management
The Institute of Knowledge Management (IKM, established in 1990) is a Belgian non-profit organization. The institute focusses on education for a sustainable future (People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Policy). It does so through innovative online and F2F teaching, tutoring and mentoring of young people and adults and through teacher training, curriculum (re)design, consulting and participation in projects.
Klaipeda University Continuing Studies Institute
Continuing Studies Institute being a structural subdivision of Klaipeda University, provides a wide range of life long education activities for different professional and social groups. Besides of a number of in-service training courses, other non-degree study programs, there are offered the Bachelor and Master degree courses in Andragogy (adult education).
Asociacion Insituto Europeo de estudios para la formacion y el desarrollo
Non profit organization working in the field of “applied social research” since 1996, whose main aim is the introduction of a model of sustainable local development in the areas where it operates.
University of Lisbon – Institute of Education
The Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa (IEUL) is one of the 18 Faculties of the Universidade de Lisboa, carrying out research in education, teaching activities, and service to the community. Research activities are a central element of its activity, combining fundamental and applied research in key domains of education and training, with particular emphasis in History and Psychology of Education, Educational Policy, Administration and Evaluation, Adult and Teacher Education, ICT in Education, and Science and Mathematics Education.
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) is one of the nine professional universities recognised by the Swiss Confederation. Founded in 1997 under federal law, SUPSI offers more than 30 Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree courses, characterised by cutting edge education which unites classical theoretical-scientific instruction with a professional orientation. Great care is given to research, carried out in key sectors on competitively acquired projects with large European and national agencies or mandated by organisations and institutions.