The fourth and final Stepup2ICT newsletter is now available online.
Continue following us as more news will be coming.
In the meantime we would like to thank you all for the support received for this project and its’ activities.
Newsletter n_4_EN
The fourth and final Stepup2ICT newsletter is now available online.
Continue following us as more news will be coming.
In the meantime we would like to thank you all for the support received for this project and its’ activities.
Newsletter n_4_EN
Are you an adult educator interested in enhancing your digital competences and skills for professional purposes?
Our Stepup2ICT training course is for you! Have a look at our video and follow us.
Have a look at our 3rd Stepup2ICT project newsletter.
We have been doing alot of activities!!!
Newsletter n_3 - 01042019
In the week from 25 February 2019 to 01 March 2019 we held our first Stepup2ICT short term training in Fano, Italy. We had the pleasure to host a very energetic group of adult educators!! 15 adult educators from each Belgium, Italy, Lithuania and Portugal participated in one week training on the use of ICT in adult education sessions.
This event was very useful to evaluate the training programme created by the Stepup2ICT team and to revise the OERs.
The project’s partners completed the Andragogic Handbook “How to use ICT in Adult Education”. This handbook is meant to support adult educators in using ICT tools and digital media in their working framework.
The Handbook is created to help every adult educator to use e-learning methods, tools and techniques from the planning phase to the evaluation of participants’ learning phase. It includes 6 examples of training activities using online open technologies apt to promote the use of digital technologies in adult education settings from the conception of the learning process to the final stage of evaluation.
The handbook will soon be available online. Stay tuned!
Output 2: AAA-StepUp2-ICT Modularized training programme: “Facilitating Educators’ and Trainers’ uses of online learning, web 2.0 technologies and mobile technologies in different Adult education contexts”.
Output 3: AAA-StepUp2-ICT Open Educational Resources for Adult educators and trainers.
Output 4: AAA-StepUp2-ICT Community Platform.
Presentation of:
Some photos below.
The second transnational project meeting was held in Brussels, on 22-23 March 2018. The project partners discussed the activities foreseen in the Gantt chart and future tasks. Some photos below.
The first AAA-STEPUP2ICT newsletter is now available! You can find some news about the first meeting and future activities. Enjoy it and stay tuned!
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