Using templates for project based planning of a training

Domain 1: Training coordination

Difficulty level

2 hours

Evernote (free version)

  • Computer
  • Internet connection
  • productivity software, Evernote
Brief description

In this activity you will breakdown the training you want to plan (or coordinate) into a workplan and describe it based on a template. You connect your workplan to a collection of useful information.


Templates have the advantage of helping ‘not to forget’ important aspects of your planning. While templates exist in many formats (document, spreadsheet… ) the use of more specialized software links your plan to other tools and resources. This will integrate different resources and different types of information and will greatly facilitate coordinating and planning learning activities…

Learning WHAT
  • Analysing a training project
  • Using a template to describe and plan a learning activity
Notes and links to the tool

The free version (with a number of included templates) is sufficient for this activity.

Paid premium or business versions include options for teams and also include the option to design one’s own templates (although this can be mimicked in the free version by duplicating a note (making it ‘a template note) in which a certain structure is created).

Detailed description of the learning activity

Step 1. Participants bring information on an authentic training activity they have planned or coordinated in the past. They discuss what is available. The 6 phases used in this project can be a starting point.

Step 2. In this activity; Evernote is used to coordinate and plan a training based on the structure of available/needed information, goals, todo’s…  using templates and tags. The training focuses as well on managing projects (coordinating your adult training) as on Evernote as a tool to do so, tying together information. Participants install Evernote and create an account on at least one device. If they have several devices (eg. a laptop and a smartphone) they may install the software on all.

Step 3. On the Evernote website, participants explore the different templates available and download and install the interesting ones onto one of their devices.

Step 4. Participants create notes to capture the information on the project they brought with them. They can use one or more of the templates they downloaded and they can use the different types of information Evernote supports (scan, pictures, text, copy and past…)

They can using labels, internal links and notebooks  to hold the different notes together into a single training project.

Step 5. Participants set up a future training project using the techniques learned in the previous steps.

  1. Collect all the information you have about a previous training you organised or delivered.
  2. Install Evernote (on one or more devices) and create an account
  3. Explore the different templates provided by Evernote (through their website) and install relevant ones. (Eisenhower Matrix, Individual Project, Project Overview, Meeting Notes… )
  4. Use one or more templates to outline/describe your adult learning project and introduce all the materials you collected in step 1 into notes (scan, take pictures, copy and paste… ) Create tags to link your project description to other notes (perhaps created based on other templates)
  5. Participants repeat step 4 with information about a future project.
Tips & tricks

It is important that the planning of the training designed (planned, coordinated…) by the participants remains realistic and relevant. This can be done by working with authentic input provided by the participants.

While Evernote works on a wide range of devices, it makes sense to use a laptop for this training as the interface includes more information and facilitates an overview.

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