Planning a learning activity

Domain 1: Training coordination

Difficulty level

2 hours


  • Computer
  • Internet connection
  • productivity software, Evernote
Brief description

In this activity you learn how software can help you to handle different aspects of the planning and/or coordination of a project and you learn to integrate very different types of information in a single environment.


Integration of all aspects of project management into a single ‘easy’ tool is important. Without an the use of ICT, it is often difficult (if not impossible) to keep track all the ideas, resources, tasks… related to planning and coordinating a learning activity.

Learning WHAT
  • Analysing the information available in the training project and using a taxonomy to organise different types of information in separate notebooks
  • Scanning and saving information (including emailing information from your inbox straight into Evernote
  • Creating a repository of ideas captured in different formats (audio, text, photos, drawings… )
  • Managing coordination routines with checklists and reminders
  • Sharing information with other Evernote users
Notes and links to the tool

Detailed description of the learning activity

Step 1. Participants install Evernote and create an account. If they have more than one device, they may install the software on all their devices (laptop, tablet, smartphone…)

Step 2. We assume participants are familiar with the basic functions of Evernote and with the use of templates in Evernote. Participants review the basis functions of Evernote creating notes for the project they want to plan or coordinate.

Step 3. Participants engage in a more in-depth exploration of the possibilities of Evernote for managing/coordinating the training project. This includes adding multiple tags, creating internal links between notes, adding reminders to notes, creating checklists, using Evernote in presentation modus…

Step 4. As they improve on the structure of their information, they create their own set of templates. Participants thus create and save their own toolbox.

  1. Installing Evernote and creating an account
  2. Based on a specific learning activity to be coordinated: fast track through the different types of content Evernote can work with.
  3. Further exploration of Evernote based on a specific learning project
    1. Working with tags (for example tags for each of the 6 domains in this project)
    2. Working with different types of information
    3. Creating checklists, tasks…
    4. Adding files, links to other tools…
  4. Saving their notes as templates for future use, creating their own toolbox
Tips & tricks

It is important that the planning of the training designed (planned, coordinated…) by the participants remains realistic and relevant. This can be done by working with authentic input provided by the participants.

To facilitate the training, it can be useful to provide the participants with a set of notes displaying the potential of Evernote, but make sure they don’t get stuck in the examples they are presented with.

Participants should explore and decide what works best for them: working with fewer notes with lots of information in them and connecting lots of smaller notes using tags, shared notebooks…

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