Domain 4: Training development
3 sessions of 1 hours each
- Computer/multi-touch device
- Internet connection
This activity presents how to deliver a learning material in lesson format to present information as a series of HTML pages to the student who is usually asked to make some sort of choice underneath the content area.
Lesson activity is one of the most complex forms of presentation of teaching materials which allows building structured pathways through learning and test knowledge as learners make progress. The Lesson module presents a series of HTML pages with text, images or video and a learner should decide on a specific choice by content area. There are two main types of lesson pages that the learner will see: question pages and content pages.
The Lesson Module can be adapted to a wide range of activities, not all of them have to be graded. Also, this activity has more advantages such as the possibility of self-directed learning of a new topic, applicability for different learning styles, including role-play, simulations/decision-making exercises, interactive fiction, differentiated revision guides. All of these features make learning path more attractive and engaging.
- To set up a lesson;
- To design the content of the lesson.
Moodle is offered in a variety of pricing plans, including a free version. For using a free version, the teacher may need a Moodle partner or Internet service provider (ISP) to host the Moodle site. In addition, there is an opportunity to create learning courses on MoodleCloud (, which does not require any instalment or upgrading.
To create a lesson, go to your Moodle course and turn editing on, add an activity or resource to the section where you want to fix the lesson.
Name your lesson, under the appearance tab and then choose your maximum number of jumps or answers by selecting the dropdown for the maximum number of answers. Set this value as needed. This number can be changed later if you make a mistake or would like to change it afterwards.
Make any further changes you need to the settings and click save and display.
You’ll then be taken to a page asking what you’d like to do, choose what type of page you’d like to create to get started.
When editing a page, you will have to set a title to the page and the title will show up in the tab.
The next piece is an HTML editor. Here you can format images, text, embed videos or link to other sites.
Next, name your jumps or answers. Here you can change these sections to HTML by selecting that option from the dropdown, saving and reopening the section. HTML will let use images, formatted text, links, etc. in your answers.
Once you’ve filled in this content, save your page.
You’ll be taken to the lesson editing page, here you can add more content or questions.
Once you’ve completed your pages, return to the top of the lesson editing page and edit your pages. With the jump dropdown, select the page title for the page you would like each button to jump to. If you’d like to end a branch, choose the “End of Lesson” option from the dropdown.
Once all of your jumps are set, your lesson should be ready.
- Divide the lesson into a few logical and equal parts, each of them may end up with a question from that part.
- Develop questions for each lesson part.
- Plan a further learning path for correct and incorrect answers.
- Sign up to the MoodleCloud.
- Set up the settings of your lesson.
- Add the content and questions to the lesson.
- Having in mind that in Moodle teachers and students have different roles with the specific functions assigned, it is useful to view and check out the created lesson in a student’s role.
When designing a lesson, it is advisable to split the lecture material into small even parts – large text distracts the reader.
It is recommended to form questions that indicate whether a student has perceived a part of the lecture he/she has read out. The questions should not be confusing nor very complicated.
It is always good to indicate an average duration of the lecture analysis, as it allows a student to plan his/her time and evaluate possibilities.
To be able to use the MoodleCloud hosting services, teachers and students have to receive an account.
There is no limit to the age of students, but every user must comply with the terms and conditions specified.
For more information read “Terms & Conditions of Service“ (