Domain 5: Training delivery
1 sessions of ±2:00H
Computer or mobile device
Internet connection
This activity aims at creating an online group allowing adult educators and learners to communicate among each other and to share documents used or created, exercises, references and other support sources used in training tasks.
The building of an online group favours interaction among adult learners in adult education activities as a complement of face to face work moments. It also allows a personalised guidance of work achieved by each adult learner and the monitoring of each one’s learning path.
- To communicate virtually with other people (other adult learners and adult educators), orally, by videoconference and by the use of written documents.
- To register tasks achieved in adult education activity in a common virtual domain (group or community) following an organised pattern.
- To share documents and support data of the adult education activity.
- To react and to comment on what is shared by other adult learners.
- To communicate among group members according to categories and dimensions set previously in order to organize shared information.
Slack is an online free tool.
It allows the creation of virtual groups and communities by which it is possible to interact, communicate and share data in real time.
Slack can be used in a mobile app downloaded to a smartphone or a tablet. It allows the communication of written, audio and video documents and to share information in different formats. It is also possible to create subgroups (channels) and to send private messages among specific members of a group or community.
Before starting the activity, please do register in Slack and create a group (in general called “team”) that should be framed according to the way it is supposed to be used (group configurations should be explored).
With adult learners, begin by presenting the idea of having everyone connected even during periods that adult learners are not working together (face-to-face or synchronous) and to communicate.
Do a short presentation of Slack, focussing on how it looks like, how it works and its functionalities (channels, private messages, files, profile,…), favoring the mobile version that can be used in a smartphone or a tablet.
Show the channels created previously to organise the communication and to share that might be done in the group and discuss other possibilities that may also make sense. Inform adult learners what is the name and link of the created group. An invitation can be sent, adding emails to make it easier to be a member of the group.
Give some time in order to everybody can download the app in the personal device or to have access through the web in the browser and to make personal registration.
When everybody is a member of the Slack group, adult learners may try to comment by the use of different options and channels. They can introduce themselves and share information concerning adult education activity.
When the session is over, it is important that adult learners may try functionalities of Slack, group definitions, notifications, etc.
Participation in the group should be promoted in order to communicate, interact and share what might be relevant and may support the work developed in the adult education session, favouring learning and each one’s progress.
- To create a group in Slack and format definitions.
- To explore the strengths of having an online group to communicate and share information.
- To register in Slack and have access to the group, as well as trying to interact.
- To explore Slack functionalities to communicate with the use of a written document, audio or video, with everybody or in a private mode and to share information or files.
- To discuss issues approached in the adult education activity.
- To share tasks achieved in the group during the adult education programme.
To promote the meaningful and adequate use of the online group, the adult educator should promote it by giving periodic feedback on what it is shared by adult learners. Should also foster everyone’s participation by promoting discussion on issues approached in adult education sessions, in activities implemented, to collect opinions, knowledge and experiences of each adult learner on a specific subject.
Other alike tools can also be used, such as a group in Facebook in which everybody is registered ( or a group in Whatsapp (, or event in Discord (
A careful reading of Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of Slack is required.
In the menu Security ( wemay have access to more information on risks and precautions when using online technologies. When using online available images, please make sure that copyright is followed.
Profit the opportunity to collect adult learners’ opinions, stressing the strengths of being connected.