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Domain 5: Training delivery


Bubbl.us is an online tool that allows us to create a mind map and represent visually connections among concepts. It includes a wide set of functionalities, allowing the decision concerning the size of cells, their position, the link among cells and text adding. This tool allows the sharing, printing and download of maps in JPG, PNG, PDF.

Andragogical value

The elaboration of conceptual maps, or mind maps, shows to be an effective strategy to promote reflection and learning. In fact, with this kind of tools, it is possible to reflect upon any subject in a visual way, eg. representing visually the relations among concepts. Based on that strategy, it is possible to organize ideas and concepts, to distinguish among perspectives, to develop critical thinking towards a specific subject or create new ideas as in a brainstorm.


To use Bubbl.us you need to have a with Internet access and an email account.


The use of Bubbl.us is free. However, depending on the type of contract, there may be some features that require payment.

Security and privacy

The user’s personal account may be public or private. Before of its use it is fundamental to verify the Privacy and Security Policy of the Bubbl.us service.